FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 13, 2018
Contact: David Carl (505) 288-2465
Albuquerque, NM – Today, Attorney General Hector Balderas announced that Sharoski Jackson,
the man convicted of trafficking a child in 2013, will remain behind bars. A Court of Appeals
judge today ruled that Jackson knowingly recruited, solicited, enticed, transported or obtained a
person under the age of eighteen years with the intent or knowledge that the person would be
caused to engage in commercial sexual activity.
“The individuals who prey on vulnerable children – exploiting, endangering and abusing them for
their own personal gain – belong behind bars,” said Attorney General Hector Balderas. “My
office will continue to fight to protect innocent children, who’s lives fall into the hands of
monsters. I applaud the court of appeals’ ruling.”
The Office of the Attorney General obtained his conviction on five felony counts including
human trafficking, and promoting prostitution, and the defendant was sentenced to 49 years
imprisonment in January of 2015.
As a result of today’s decision, Jackson will not receive a new trial.