Contact: David Carl (505) 288-2465
Albuquerque, NM – Today, Attorney General Hector Balderas announced a sentence of more
than life in prison for convicted cop-killer Davon Lymon. Lymon was convicted last month on 8
counts, including first-degree willful and deliberate murder of Albuquerque Police Officer and
Army Veteran Daniel Webster. That conviction carries a mandatory life sentence, without the
possibility of parole.
“Judge Candelaria did the right thing today. It has been an honor for my prosecutors to fight for
the justice that Officer Webster’s family has long deserved,” said Attorney General Hector
Balderas. “Today, Michelle Carlino Webster finally had the opportunity to speak to the pain
Davon Lymon has caused. I am humbled to have played a small role in making that a reality. No
one deserves to be murdered in our community.”
In addition to the first-degree murder charge, Lymon was sentenced on convictions of tampering
with evidence, possession of a firearm by a felon, receiving or transferring a stolen motor
vehicle, resisting, obstructing or evading an officer, and forgery.
Davon Lymon will spend the rest of his life behind bars.