Attorney General Announces 2016 Statewide Open Meetings Act & Inspection of Public Records Act Trainings

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 30, 2015

Contact: James Hallinan (505) 660-2216

Santa Fe, NM – Today, Attorney General Hector Balderas announced the locations of free Sunshine Laws trainings around New Mexico for the first half of 2016. The free training sessions are designed to help government agencies and municipalities better understand the requirements of the state’s Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA) and its Open Meetings Act (OMA). The training sessions are held monthly around the state and are also open to the public and media.

The first training of 2016 will be held in Rio Rancho on January 15th and the details are below. The cities and dates are listed below for trainings through July. Details for each upcoming training will be released in the future.

Friday, January 15th Rio Rancho: 1:30pm – 3:30pm at
Rio Rancho City Hall, City Council Chambers Room, 3200
Civic Center Circle NE, Rio Rancho, NM
Friday, February 26th Farmington/Aztec
Friday, March 18th Hobbs
Friday, April 22nd Socorro
Friday, May 20th Raton
Friday, June 17th Silver City
Friday, July 22nd Taos

Though the training is offered at NO CHARGE, we do ask that you RSVP to La Verne Roller [email protected] or by telephone at (505)-827-6070.

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