Attorney General Balderas & 12 New Mexico Tribal Governments Meet on Improving Public Safety & Strengthening Law Enforcement Partnerships


Contact: James Hallinan (505) 660-2216

Santa Fe, NM – This morning, Attorney General Hector Balderas met with tribal leaders from across New Mexico including Acoma, Fort Sill Apache, Jemez, Jicarilla Apache, Laguna, Ohkay Owingeh, San Felipe, San Ildefonso, Santa Clara, Taos, Tesuque and Zia. The meeting was held at the Office of the Attorney General’s Santa Fe office. Attorney General Balderas released the following statement today:

“I was honored to host Governors, Lt. Governors, Councilmembers and other officials from 12 tribal governments from across New Mexico today. This meeting was critical to expanding our law enforcement partnerships, such as the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, and to increasing awareness regarding the challenges facing tribal law enforcement. Strengthening our relationships with tribal governments and confronting our legal challenges together is key to keeping all New Mexico children and families safe. The Office of the Attorney General looks forward to working together with tribal law enforcement to improve public safety across our state.”

There were many public safety and legal issues discussed at the meeting ranging from domestic violence, the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, court costs, gaming compacts, crosscommissioning of police officers and emergency management.

Please see attached photos.

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