Attorney General Statement on Senator Griego Preliminary Hearing



Contact: James Hallinan (505) 660-2216

Santa Fe, NM – This afternoon, the four day preliminary hearing regarding Senator Phil Griego came to a close and Judge Brett R. Loveless issued his ruling. Attorney General Hector Balderas released the following statement in response:

“Today, the Office of the Attorney General concluded its arguments in the preliminary hearing of former Senator Phil Griego and our prosecutors presented an overwhelming amount of evidence to support the charges filed before Judge Brett R. Loveless. I am grateful to Judge Loveless for hearing this matter and I am pleased with his ruling that will allow us to pursue justice on behalf of taxpayers. My administration is committed to aggressively combating public corruption in New Mexico and holding the powerful accountable.”

Judge Loveless found probable cause in nine of the ten counts. The counts include the following:

1. Ethical principles of public service
2. Ethical principles of public service
3. Bribery
4. Fraud
5. Fraud
7. Perjury
8. Tampering with public records
9. Financial Disclosure Act
10. Unlawful interest in a public contract (value received over $50.00)

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