SAFETY ADVISORY: AG Searching for Victims in Albuquerque & Las Cruces in Child Exploitation Case

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 22, 2017

Contact: James Hallinan (505) 660-2216

Albuquerque, NM – In October, the Office of the Attorney General Internet Crimes Against Children Unit referred a cyber tip to Homeland Security Investigations (Las Cruces) and the Las Cruces Police Department that led to a search warrant at the residence of John Henry Bevel Jr. in Las Cruces. On October 24, John Henry Bevel Jr. was charged with three counts of sexual exploitation of children and was taken into federal custody. Southern New Mexico authorities have identified nine victims so far in Las Cruces, and they believe there may be additional victims in Albuquerque, where Bevel Jr. lived prior to moving to Las Cruces. Anyone with information about children that may have been victimized by Bevel Jr. should immediately call the Office of the Attorney General at 505-717-3542 or La Pinion Sexual Assault Recovery Services at 575-524-3437.

“This is an active investigation and we believe there could be more child victims in the Albuquerque and Las Cruces areas,” said Attorney General Hector Balderas. “I am urging
anyone with information about potential child victims to contact my office immediately.” Please see attached for a photo of Bevel Jr.

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